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The National Joint Registry for England and Wales (NJR) has become established as one of the largest repositories of clinical information about patients undergoing hip and knee replacement. The primary aim of this proposal is to examine the feasibility of adding value to that clinical information by partnering it with a DNA dataset to allow its use to be extended to the study of the underlying pathogenesis of diseases of the hip and knee, and the complications of their treatment. We will do this 1) by establishing a mechanism for accessing and linking pseudo-anonymised demographic and phenotype data between the NJR database and the proposed DNA Biobank; 2) by validating the collection of postal DNA samples from consenting NJR patients; and 3) by genotyping genome-wide 900 patients with the condition developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) to find variants that play a role in this heritable condition. The successful demonstration that the NJR can be used to establish a DNA Biobank will provide a powerful platform to examine the genetic basis for a wide range of joint diseases, and the complications of their treatment. This proposal is to carry out the genotyping portion of this project on the current CoreExome array

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Dataset ID Description Technology Samples
EGAD00010000766 903
Publications Citations
Genome-wide association study of developmental dysplasia of the hip identifies an association with <i>GDF5</i>.
Commun Biol 1: 2018 56