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Enhanced detection of circulating tumor DNA by fragment size analysis

Existing methods to improve detection of circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) have focused on sensitivity for detecting genomic alterations but have rarely considered the biological properties of plasma cell-free DNA (cfDNA). We hypothesized that differences in fragment lengths of circulating DNA could be exploited to enhance sensitivity for detecting the presence of ctDNA and for non-invasive genomic analysis of cancer. We surveyed ctDNA fragment sizes in 344 plasma samples from 200 cancer patients using low-pass whole-genome sequencing (0.4×). To establish the size distribution of mutant ctDNA, tumor-guided personalized deep sequencing was performed in 19 patients. We detected enrichment of ctDNA in fragment sizes between 90–150 bp, and developed methods for in vitro and in silico size selection of these fragments. Selecting fragments between 90–150 bp improved detection of tumor DNA, with more than 2-fold median enrichment in >95% of cases, and more than 4-fold enrichment in > 10% of cases. Analysis of size-selected cfDNA identified clinically actionable mutations and copy number alterations that were otherwise not detected. Identification of plasma samples from patients with advanced cancer was improved by predictive models integrating fragment length and copy number analysis of cfDNA, with AUC> 0.99 compared to AUC < 0.80 without fragmentation features. Increased identification of cfDNA from patients with glioma, renal, and pancreatic cancer was achieved with AUC > 0.91, compared to AUC < 0.5 without fragmentation features. Fragment size analysis and selective sequencing of specific fragment sizes can boost ctDNA detection. This could reduce the required depth of cfDNA sequencing for clinical applications, earlier diagnosis and study of tumor biology.

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Dataset ID Description Technology Samples
EGAD00001004939 Illumina HiSeq 4000 118
Publications Citations
Enhanced detection of circulating tumor DNA by fragment size analysis.
Sci Transl Med 10: 2018 eaat4921
Refined characterization of circulating tumor DNA through biological feature integration.
Sci Rep 12: 2022 1928
The landscape of cell-free mitochondrial DNA in liquid biopsy for cancer detection.
Genome Biol 24: 2023 229
Multi-modal cell-free DNA genomic and fragmentomic patterns enhance cancer survival and recurrence analysis.
Cell Rep Med 5: 2024 101349