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Reconstituting the transcriptome and DNA methylome landscapes of human implantation at single-cell resolution

Implantation is a milestone event during mammalian embryogenesis. Due to the extreme difficulty of obtaining in vivo human early post-implantation embryos, the gene regulatory network and epigenetics controlling human embryo implantation remains elusive. Here, combining an in vitro culture system for human post-implantation development and single-cell omics sequencing technologies, over 10,000 single cells at five representative stages of pre/post-implantation development were systematically analyzed. Unsupervised dimensionality reduction and clustering algorithm of the transcriptome data show stepwise implantation routes for the epiblast, primitive endoderm, and trophectoderm lineages, suggesting preparation for the establishment of a mother-to-offspring connection after implantation. Female embryos showed asynchronous progress of dosage loss of X chromosomes during implantation. Furthermore, using the single cell trio-Seq (scTrio-Seq) strategy, re-methylation of the genomes of all the three lineages was unambiguously revealed. Surprisingly, the genome re-methylation of PE lineage were much slower than both EPI and TE lineages during the implantation process, indicating distinct methylome features between EPI and PE although both of which were derived from ICM. Collectively, our work paves the way for understanding the complex molecular mechanisms that regulate human embryo implantation, informing new insights and future efforts in early embryonic development and reproductive medicine.

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Dataset ID Description Technology Samples
EGAD00001005137 Illumina HiSeq 4000 638