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RaScALL: Rapid screening of RNA-seq in acute lymphoblastic leukaemia

RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq) efforts in acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) have identified numerous prognostically significant genomic alterations which can guide diagnostic risk stratification and treatment choices when detected early. However, a full RNA-seq Bioinformatics workflow is time-consuming and costly in a clinical setting where rapid detection and accurate reporting of clinically relevant alterations are essential. To accelerate the identification of ALL-specific alterations (including gene fusions, single nucleotide variants and focal gene deletions), we developed the rapid screening tool RaScALL, capable of identifying more than 100 prognostically significant lesions directly from raw sequencing reads. RaScALL uses the k-mer based targeted detection tool km and known ALL variant information to achieve a high degree of accuracy for reporting subtype defining genomic alterations compared to standard alignment-based pipelines. Gene fusions, including difficult to detect fusions involving EPOR and DUX4, were accurately identified in 98% (164 samples) of reported cases in a 180-patient Australian study cohort and 95% (n=63) of samples in a North American validation cohort. Pathogenic sequence variants were correctly identified in 75% of tested samples, including all cases involving subtype defining variants PAX5 p.P80R (n=12) and IKZF1 p.N159Y (n=4). Accurate detection of intragenic IKZF1 deletions resulting in aberrant transcript isoforms was also detectable with 98% accuracy. Importantly, the median analysis time for detection of all targeted alterations averaged 22 minutes per sample, significantly shorter than standard alignment-based approaches, ensuring accerelated risk-stratification and therapeutic triage.

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Dataset ID Description Technology Samples
EGAD00001009087 NextSeq 500 180
Publications Citations
RaScALL: Rapid (Ra) screening (Sc) of RNA-seq data for prognostically significant genomic alterations in acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL).
PLoS Genet 18: 2022 e1010300
Reproducible Bioinformatics Analysis Workflows for Detecting <i>IGH</i> Gene Fusions in B-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia Patients.
Cancers (Basel) 15: 2023 4731