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BCR-ABL is enriched in S- and G2-cell cycle phases

To address the unusually long duration of imatinib therapy for chronic myelogenous leukemia, we sought to understand the expression of BCR-ABL gene expression with different phases of the cell cycle. A precedent for dynamic fusion oncoprotein expression already exists for the pediatric solid tumor, rhabdomyosarcoma. Quantitative immunocytochemistry was conducted to compare the expression of BCR-ABL with markers of each cell cycle phase: CDK6 for G1, CDK2 for S, phospho-CDC2 for G2, and phospho-HH3 for M phase. BCR-ABL expression was most strongly correlated with the G2 and S cell cycle phases. Low BCR-ABL expression only coincided with high cell cycle marker expression for the G1. BCR-ABL was rarely if at all expressed in M. Our results suggest a possible explanation for the prolonged nature of imatinib therapy, which may be only effective on S- and G2-phase actively replicating leukemia cells.

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Dataset ID Description Technology Samples
EGAD00001009736 Sequel 2