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One-step generation of tumor models by base editor multiplexing in adult stem cell-derived organoids

Recent optimization of CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genome engineering has resulted in the development of base editors that can efficiently mediate C>T and A>G transitions. Combining these genome engineering tools with human adult stem cell (ASC)-derived organoid technology holds promise for disease modeling. Here, we demonstrate the application of base editors for the generation of complex tumor models in human ASC-derived hepatocyte, endometrial and intestinal organoids. First, using conventional and evolved Cas9-variants, we show efficacy of both cytosine and adenine base editors and use them to model four hot-spot point mutations in CTNNB1 in hepatocyte organoids. Next, we apply C>T base editors in endometrial organoids to insert nonsense mutations in PTEN and demonstrate tumorigenicity even in the heterozygous state. Furthermore, we use cytosine base editors for simultaneous oncogene activation (PIK3CA) and tumor-suppressor inactivation (APC and TP53). To increase the flexibility of base editor multiplexing, we then combine SpCas9 and SaCas9 base editors for simultaneous C>T and A>G editing at individual target sites. Finally, we show the power of base editor multiplexing by modeling colorectal tumorigenesis in a single step by simultaneously transfecting sgRNA’s targeting four cancer genes. Seven clonal organoid lines and one bulk wild-type control sample were paired-end whole-genome sequenced using the Illumina Novaseq 6000 system. We sequenced four clonal intestinal organoid lines harbouring engineered TP53 and FBXW7 mutations as well as three lines targeted for oncogenic APC/TP53/PIK3CA/SMAD4 mutations. This WGS showed, as previously reported, a genome-wide increase in C>T mutations due to C>T base editor off-target activity, which is not enriched in predicted off-target regions based on the sgRNA sequences. Furthermore, we confirmed the absence of editing-induced driver mutations and lack of off-target mutational hotspots created by the genomic engineering.

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Dataset ID Description Technology Samples
EGAD00001009827 Illumina NovaSeq 6000 8
Publications Citations
One-step generation of tumor models by base editor multiplexing in adult stem cell-derived organoids.
Nat Commun 14: 2023 4998