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Genomic profiling of localized (lFL) and systemic follicular lymphoma (sFL) reveals novel insights into FL pathogenesis

At diagnosis, the majority of FL presents with symptomatic disease in advanced/systemic stages of FL (sFL). In contrast only around 10 to 15% of cFL are diagnosed in localized stages (lFL). The biological knowledge is mainly based on data derived from global sFL analysis and only small cohorts of lFL were characterized intensively so far. It is well-known that the hallmark BCL2 translocation is less frequently observed in lFL. Furthermore, lFL differs from sFL concerning their gene expression and their N-glycosylation profiles. In consequence, comprehensive global analysis with CNA profiling and whole exome sequencing was performed in a large cohort of lFL. Additionally, the mutational profile as well as the CNA landscape of lFL and sFL, as well as for BCL2 translocation-positive and -negative was compared.

Click on a Dataset ID in the table below to learn more, and to find out who to contact about access to these data

Dataset ID Description Technology Samples
EGAD00001011369 Illumina NovaSeq 6000 1
EGAD00010002592 Affymetrix 122
EGAD00010002593 Affymetrix 149
Publications Citations
Novel insights into the pathogenesis of follicular lymphoma by molecular profiling of localized and systemic disease forms.
Leukemia 37: 2023 2058-2065