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CYP2C19 long-read sequencing

Inter-individual differences in drug response based on genetic variations can lead to drug toxicity and treatment inefficacy. A large part of this variability is caused by genetic variants in pharmacogenes. Unfortunately, the Single Nucleotide Variant (SNV) panels currently used in clinical pharmacogenomic (PGx) testing are unable to detect all genetic variability in these genes. Long-read sequencing, on the other hand, has been shown to be able to resolve complex (pharmaco)genes. In this study we have assessed the added value of long-read sequencing for PGx focusing on the clinically important and highly polymorphic CYP2C19 gene. With a capture-based long-read sequencing panel we were able to characterize the entire region and assign variants to their allele of origin (phasing), resulting in the identification of 813 unique variants in 37 samples. To assess the clinical utility of this data we have compared the performance of three different *-allele tools (Aldy, PharmCat and PharmaKU) which are specifically designed to assign clinical haplotypes to pharmacogenes based on all input variants. We conclude that long-read sequencing can improve our ability to characterize the CYP2C19 locus, help to identify novel haplotypes and that *-allele tools are an useful asset in phenotype prediction. Ultimately, this approach could help to better predict an individual’s drug response and improve therapy outcomes.

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Dataset ID Description Technology Samples
EGAD00001005972 PacBio RS II 2
EGAD00001009883 PacBio RS II 1
Publications Citations
From gene to dose: Long-read sequencing and *-allele tools to refine phenotype predictions of <i>CYP2C19</i>.
Front Pharmacol 14: 2023 1076574