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Facial Skin Biophysical Multi-Parameter and Microbiome-Based Korean Skin Cutoype (KSC) Determination

In this study, we conducted an integrated analysis of skin measurements, clinical BSTI surveys, and the skin microbiome of 950 Korean subjects to examine the ideal skin microbiome-biophysical association. By utilizing four skin biophysical parameters, we identified four distinct Korean Skin Cutotypes (KSCs) and categorized the subjects into three aging groups based on their age distribution. We established strong connections between 15 core genera and the four KSC types within the three aging groups, revealing three prominent clusters of the facial skin microbiome. Together with skin microbiome variations, skin tone/elasticity distinguishes aging groups while oiliness/hydration distinguishes individual differences within aging groups. Our study provides prospective reality data for customized skin care based on the microbiome environment of each skin type.

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Dataset ID Description Technology Samples
EGAD00001011112 Illumina MiSeq 950