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Cerebrospinal fluid cfDNA sequencing for classification of central nervous system glioma

Primary central nervous system (CNS) gliomas can be classified by characteristic genetic alterations. In addition to solid tissue obtained by surgery or biopsy, cell-free DNA (cfDNA) derived from cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is an alternative source of material for genomic analyses. Experimental design: We performed targeted next-generation sequencing (NGS) of CSF cfDNA in a representative cohort of 85 patients presenting with with suspicion of primary or recurrent glioma at two neurooncological centers. Copy-number variation (CNV) profiles, single nucleotide variants (SNVs), and small insertions/ deletions (indels) were combined into a molecular-guided tumor classification. Comparison with the solid tumor was performed for 38 cases with matching solid tissue available. Results: Cases were stratified into four groups: glioblastoma (n = 32), other glioma (n = 19), non-malignant (n = 17) and no confirmed diagnosis available (n = 17). We introduce a molecular-guided tumor classification, enabling identification of tumor entities and/ or cancer specific alterations in 75.0 % (n = 24) of glioblastoma and 52.6 % (n = 10) of other glioma cases. The overlap between CSF and matching solid tissue was highest for CNVs (26-48 %) and SNVs at pre-defined gene loci (44 %), followed by SNVs/indels identified via uninformed variant calling (8-14 %). A molecular-guided tumor classification was made 23.5 % (n = 4) of cases with no confirmed diagnosis available. Conclusions: We developed a workflow for targeted sequencing of CSF cfDNA as well as a strategy for interpretation and reporting of sequencing results based on a molecular-guided tumor classification in glioma.

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Dataset ID Description Technology Samples
EGAD50000000085 124