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Nanopore sequencing enables allelic phasing of FLG loss-of-function variants, intragenic copy number variation and methylation status in atopic dermatitis and ichthyosis vulgaris

Loss-of-function (LoF) variants in the FLG gene are associated with ichthyosis vulgaris (IV) and atopic dermatitis (AD). IV and AD patients with two FLG LoF variants are reported to have a more severe disease course. However, subsets of compound heterozygous patients display phenotypic heterogeneity despite a prediction of a severe phenotype from their genotype. The underlying genetic mechanism of this phenotypic variability is unknown. One possibility is that two LoF FLG variants could be located in cis (on the same allele), thus altering the predicted gene dosage. To investigate the allelic contribution of compound heterozygous FLG LoF mutations to IV phenotypic variability, we employ long reads from Oxford Nanopore Technologies, utilising two methodologies to phase the entire coding region of FLG into parental alleles: an amplicon-sequencing approach and an adaptive-sampling strategy. We investigated the allelic phasing of FLG LoF variants and intragenic-repeat copy-number variations (CNV) of 21 subjects with known compound heterozygous genotypes and mixed IV severity. Our results suggest that IV severity is not linked to the presence of cis variants in our IV patient cohort. Nanopore reads enabled detection and accurate phasing of CNVs and LoF variants into parental alleles, providing a framework for future in-depth genetic analysis. These results highlight the usefulness of utilising long reads for interrogating the FLG gene and other highly repetitive genes for genetic stratification related to clinical phenotypes.

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Dataset ID Description Technology Samples
EGAD50000000236 GridION 22