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WGS analysis of Japanese liver cancer

Liver cancer is prevalent worldwide, mainly associated with virus infection, and its underlying etiology and genomic structure are heterogeneous. Here we provide a whole-genome landscape of somatic alterations in 300 Japanese liver cancers. Our comprehensive analysis elucidated point mutations in non-coding regions, structural variants (SVs), and virus integrations, in addition to coding mutations, and demonstrated new mutational signatures related with liver carcinogenesis, novel recurrently mutated coding and non-coding regions such as lincRNA NEAT1/MALAT1, promoters, CTCF binding sites, and regulatory regions. SV analysis found a significant association with replication timing, and revealed that known cancer genes (CDKN2A, CCND1, APC, and TERT) and new cancer genes (ASH1L, NCOR1, MACROD2) were recurrently affected by SVs, leading to altered expression of nearby genes. These results emphasize the value of whole genome sequencing analysis to discover cancer driver mutations and to understand comprehensive molecular profiles of liver cancer, especially for SVs and non-coding mutations.