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3.5KJPNv2, an allele frequency panel of 3,552 Japanese individuals

In the Tohoku Medical Megabank Project, we have conducted whole-genome sequencing of nearly 4,000 individuals from a Japanese population, and constructed an allele frequency panel of 3,552 individuals (3.5KJPNv2) after removing genetically related individuals. The 3.5KJPNv2 was constructed by using a standard pipeline including the 1KGP and gnomAD algorithms to reduce technical biases and to allow comparisons to other populations. The 3.5KJPNv2 includes variants in chromosome X and mitochondrial genome as well as autosome. The submitter has changed the access level of this study from controlled-access [Type I] to un-restricted access since 11th, January, 2019. The un-restricted access data ?hum0015.v3.3.5kjpnv2.v1? are available at the NBDC site: This study does not contain any controlled-access dataset.