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Inherited chromosomally-integrated human herpesvirus 6A/B (HHV-6A/B) genome sequences in the Japanese population

The deposited sequences represent inherited chromosomally-integrated human herpesvirus 6 (iciHHV-6) genomes identified from 10 BioBank Japan (BBJ) subjects based on the analysis of the whole-genome sequencing (WGS) data. In brief, we re-aligned unmapped reads from the WGS to HHV-6A genome (Genbank accession number: KJ123690.1) using BWA-MEM algorithm. Ten out of 3,256 subjects were identified with high depth of coverage of HHV-6. We further distinguished subjects with integrated HHV-6A subtypes from those with integrated HHV-6B based on phylogenetic analysis of concatenated sequences of three viral genes (U27/U43/U83, which show high divergence between viral species). We reconstructed the HHV-6 viral genome of 10 subjects. First, reads that mapped to a reference HHV-6A genome (KJ123690.1) were further aligned against the integrated HHV-6A genome derived from a Japanese individual NA18999 (GenBank Accession number: KY316047.1) using BWA-MEM. Based on the alignment, variant calling was performed using freebayes (version: v1.2.0-2-g29c4002) with parameters ploidy = 1 and min-alternate-fraction = 0.8 {Garrison, 2012}. We generated subject-specific iciHHV-6 viral sequences by applying the resulting variants to the KY316047.1 reference genome using the FastaAlternateReferenceMaker function in the Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK) v3.7. Please note that HHV-6B-specific variants are unlikely to be sensitively reconstructed using this method.