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INdiana GENomics: Implementing an Opportunity for the Under Served (INGENIOUS)

The INGenious trial planed to enroll a total of 6,000 patients, with 2,000 patients assigned to a pharmacogenetic testing arm and 4,000 to a control arm who will be followed, but not tested. It is randomized between an intervention arm and one that receives no intervention in order that the genotyped group can be compared with one in which undisturbed, routine clinical care is carried out in patients taking the same drugs. Both arms will be followed for a year after being prescribed a targeted medication. Patients randomized into the intervention arm that are prescribed one or more of the 27 targeted index medication will receive pharmacogenomic testing using a custom micro-array measuring 43 Single nucleotide polymorphisms in 14 genes. The study is being conducted by the Indiana University School of Medicine and the Indiana University Institute of Personalized Medicine in collaboration with the Eskenazi and Indiana University Health Systems and will evaluate the economic and clinical outcomes associated with embedding a pharmacogenomics program in a system that serves as the primary health care safety-net in Indianapolis, Indiana. By successfully implementing a pharmacogenomics program and integrating it with the Electronic Health Record and Clinical Decision Support system, physicians will be able to optimize patient care by delivering tailored therapeutic decisions based on the patient's individual genetics.