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VCRC Imaging Protocol for Magnetic Resonance and Positron Emission Tomography in Large-Vessel Vasculitis (Takayasu's Arteritis): Development as Clinical Trial Outcome Measures Vasculitis Clinical Research Consortium

Takayasu's arteritis is a rare disease that affects the blood vessels. Takayasu's arteritis can cause swelling of large and medium-sized blood vessels. The blood vessels that are commonly affected are the branches of the aorta (the main blood vessel that leaves the heart). The purpose of this study is to help doctors learn more about this disease by using x-ray like tests to see if they are helpful in taking care of patients with Takayasu's arteritis.

This is an imaging study that compares x-ray-like tests that would not be a part of your regular care (PET/CT) with x-ray-like tests that are a part of your regular care (MRI). At two visits, three months apart, patients will have a PET/CT scan performed at the same time as their MRI scan; some patients will also have a third PET/CT scan. A total of 36 people with Takayasu's arteritis at several hospitals will take part in this study. Doctors will use images from the different time points, along with information from exams and symptoms, to learn more about the disease.