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Primary Prostate Tumor Tissue DNA Methylation Profiles

The study cohort includes 525 Caucasian and African American prostate cancer (PCa) patients who underwent radical prostatectomy (RP) as primary therapy for clinically localized adenocarcinoma of the prostate. These patients were previously enrolled in one of two population-based studies: 1) men 40-64 years of age, diagnosed between January 1993 and December 1996; and, 2) men 35-74 years of age, diagnosed between January 2002 and December 2005. Gleason grade and sum, diagnostic PSA, and pathological tumor stage were obtained from the SEER cancer registry. Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded prostate tumor tissue blocks were obtained from RP specimens and used to make hematoxalin and eosin stained slides, which were reviewed by pathologists to confirm the presence/location of adenocarcinoma. For each patient two 1-mm tumor tissue cores from the dominant lesion that were enriched with >=75% tumor cells were taken for DNA purification. The RecoverAll Total Nucleic Acid Isolation Kit (Ambion/Applied Biosciences, Austin, TX) was used to extract DNA, which was then quantified (PicoGreen), aliquoted onto 96-well plates and shipped to Illumina for DNA methylation profiling using the Infinium® HumanMethylation450 BeadChip.