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International Cancer Proteogenome Consortium (ICPC): proteogenomics of early stage lung adenocarcinoma in Taiwan

Lung cancer in East Asia is characterized by high percentage of never-smokers, early-onset and predominant EGFR mutations. To provide an insight into the molecular phenotype of this demographically distinct disease, we have performed a proteogenomics study on a prospectively collected cohort representing early stage lung adenocarcinomas in Taiwan. The distinct mutational profile revealed high prevalence of the APOBEC mutational signature in early-onset females implicating differential regulation of APOBEC enzymes and DNA damage pathways, as well as enrichment of mutational signatures congruent with environmental carcinogens over-represented in the genomic location of EGFR. We delineate the proteogenomic hallmarks of tumor progression and propose a proteomics-informed classification that resolves the EGFR mutation heterogeneity associated with survival within the early stages. Functional annotation of the molecular subtypes by protein network analysis highlights candidate biomarkers for patient stratification. Our integrative analysis reveals the molecular architecture of lung cancer in East Asia and enables the path for precision medicine.