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HTAN Pilot Project: Single-Cell Transcriptomics Toolbox for Fresh and Frozen Human Tumors (Lung, Breast, Ovarian, Melanoma, Neuroblastoma, Sarcoma, Glioblastoma, Glioma, and Leukemia)

Single cell transcriptomics is a powerful tool to map the complex tumor microenvironment, providing unprecedented resolution into cell types, cell states, cell interactions, and tumor heterogeneity. Depending on their tissue site and whether processing begins from a fresh or frozen sample, different tumors require different optimizations in order to obtain high quality single cell transcriptomic data. In this study, we profiled a range of tumor types, varying in cell-of-origin, solid and non-solid forms, patient ages, and transitions. The tumors also further varied in their tissue site and in their sample collection method. To enable profiling of such diverse samples, we developed a systematic toolbox for single cell RNA-Seq and single nucleus RNA-Seq of fresh and frozen clinical tumor samples. We validated this toolbox for 216,490 cells and nuclei extracted from 39 samples across 23 tumors (some tumors were split into multiple samples). The 23 tumors represented eight unique tumor types. This toolbox comprises both experimental and computational protocols as well as guidelines for comparing and selecting protocols for the biological problem of interest.