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NIDDK International IBD Genetics Consortium Repository Global Screening Array

The purpose of this GWAS meta-analysis is to assess IBD risk alleles using data collected by members of the International IBD Genetics Consortium and their collaborators around the world. Data from over 30 cohorts have been identified and are being combined for analysis. Genotyping has been conducted using a variety of chips with most samples genotyped using GSAMD-24v1-0 or GSA-CHO-Custom. Individual level genotype data will be made available whenever possible (some groups are only able to provide summary statistics due to institutional and/or governmental restrictions on data sharing), together with information on sex, self-reported ancestry, IBD affection status and diagnosis. This first batch includes data from North American sites who are members of the NIDDK-funded IBD Genetics Consortium. Additional data will be provided in an update as soon as they have gone through the QC process.