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Multimodal Profiling of 500,000 Memory T Cells from a Tuberculosis Cohort Identifies Cell State Associations with Demographics, Environment, and Disease

We conducted CITE-seq to measure whole transcriptome gene expression and surface expression of 31 proteins. We assayed >500K memory T cells from 259 donors from a tuberculosis progression cohort (128 cases: former progressors and 131 controls: non-progresssors/latent infection) >4 years post-infection after returning to immune steady state. We defined 31 memory T cell states influenced by age, sex, genetic ancestry, and season. After correcting for these covariates, we found that one cell state (C-12), resembling the T helper cells Th17s, were depleted in cases compared to controls. When sorted ex vivo, this state responds to polyclonal or Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) peptide antigen stimulation with interleukin-17 (IL-17) or interferon gamma (IFNg).