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HCI-PDX Trial Center for Breast Cancer Therapy

The HCI-PDX Trial Center for Breast Cancer Therapy study is a collection of patient-tumor samples that are serially established as patient-derived tumor xenografts (human tumor in mouse) and matching organoids. For this study, we describe valuable methods and resources to generate organoids and use them as cost-effective models for precision drug screens. This study leveraged whole-exome sequencing, RNAseq, and SNP-array data to illustrate how the heterogeneity of tumors is preserved in xenograft and organoid models. Sequencing files are provided for whole-exome and RNAseq data. Processed copy number variant calls from the SNP arrays are also available. A full description of the study can be found in the article entitled, "A human breast cancer-derived xenograft and organoid platform for drug discovery and precision oncology," written by Guillen et al., 2022 in Nature Cancer (PMID: 35221336).