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Rapid Acceleration of Diagnostics - Digital Health Technologies (RADx-DHT): Digital Health Solutions for COVID-19: COVID Community Action and Research Engagement (COVID-CARE)

Vibrent Health will expand the Vibrent Digital Health Solutions Platform (DHSP) implementation to additional populations among diverse user groups for additional validation of the technology's performance, usability, and reliability in refinement of analytics generating predictive algorithms for infection and that support individual, organizational, community and societal-level decision-making in the COVID-19 pandemic response. This includes the aims to innovate a technology that can differentiate between COVID-19 and flu (or other respiratory illness); develop and test a novel WIFI-based contact tracing tool using a University’s enterprise WIFI system and software release of augmented contact tracing capabilities in Vibrent's DHSP; and develop a full technical integration approach and strategy to support data exchange between this solution and the NCI data hub.