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Nulliparous Pregnancy Outcomes Study: Monitoring Mothers-to-be Heart Health Study (nuMoM2b Heart Health Study)

Participants from study sites that recruited during the original study funded by NICHD of pregnant people, called nuMoM2b, participated in this study. The nuMoM2b-HHS1 was a prospective observational follow-up study of the nuMoM2b cohort consisting of interval contacts via phone or web every 6 months to about a year, and an in-person visit 2 to 7 years after the end of the nuMoM2b pregnancy including:

The study capitalized on the rich and unique data prospectively collected during nuMoM2b (biomarkers, uterine artery Doppler studies, fetal growth, psychosocial determinants, sleep, and blood pressure) and rigorous definitions of adverse pregnancy outcomes. These data are stored in the NICHD repository DASH (

A total of 8,838 nuMoM2b participants were targeted for contact during nuMoM2b-HHS and 7,872 participants were reached, of whom 7,003 completed one or more interval contacts. Of these, 5,206 agreed to the visit, and 4,508 attended an in-person visit.