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NCI-Maryland Prostate Cancer Case-Control Study

The study seeks to examine the genetic and ancestral basis of prostate cancer-associated inflammation using a genome-wide association approach. The study population are the participants of the NCI Maryland Prostate Cancer Case-Control study. This study recruited both African American and European American men, and investigated the causes for the excessive burden of prostate cancer among African American men in more general terms. We measured 82 blood-based immune-oncology markers, and genotyped the participants using the HumanOmni5-Quad BeadChip, which provides a significant genome coverage for genetically-admixed and diverse populations, to evaluate the genetic basis and evidence for causality of any immune-inflammation marker that is associated with prostate cancer risk. We want to assess how germline genetics influence the abundance levels of these 82 markers in African American and European American men, which may contribute to differences between them.