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Joslin Study on the Genetics of Type 2 Diabetes

Between 1993 and 2003, families were recruited in the Joslin Study on the Genetics of Type 2 Diabetes for the presence of an autosomal dominant mode of inheritance of diabetes. Recruiting and screening of families occurred through probands who were receiving medical care at the Joslin Clinic (Boston, MA). Screening of families included 1) a proband and at least one sibling with type 2 diabetes, 2) diabetes occurring in at least three generations, 3) diabetes inherited on one side of the prospective family. Probands had to have a diabetes diagnosis between the age range from 10 to 60 years. Demographic data, clinical data, and family history were collected from participating family members, along with blood and urine samples.

This study includes genetic and phenotypic data from one family examined in Simeone, Wilkerson, et. al. (NPJ Genomic Medicine 2022, PMID: 35869090). Genotype data for 14 family members and whole genome sequencing data for 6 individuals were generated with the goal of identifying a potential genetic cause of disease in this family. To de-identify this family and protect confidentiality, information on sex in phenotype data and variants identified in X, Y, and MT chromosomes have been removed in compliance with IRB guidelines.