Fresh frozen tumor samples and matched normal colon specimens from chemotherapy naïve, consecutive patients with a histol" /> Fresh frozen tumor samples and matched normal colon specimens from chemotherapy naïve, consecutive patients with a histol" />
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AC-ICAM: An Atlas and Compass of Immune-CAncer-Microbiome Interactions in Colon Cancer

Fresh frozen tumor samples and matched normal colon specimens from chemotherapy naïve, consecutive patients with a histological diagnosis of colon adenocarcinoma at Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) were subjected to multi-omics profiling at Sidra Integrated Genomics Services, part of Sidra Medicine, Doha, Qatar. This resulted in a high-quality dataset of samples collected between 2001 and 2015. Multi-step QC was performed, including assessment of the quality of the nucleic acid extraction, sequencing, and genetic concordance between DNA/RNA sequences from the same patient. After QC, this resulted in RNA sequencing on 348 tumor samples, whole exome sequencing (WES) on 281 tumor-normal sample pairs (n=562 samples), TCR sequencing of the TCR β locus (TRB) for 114 tumor and 10 matched normal samples, and 16S rDNA sequencing on 246 tumor-normal sample pairs (n=492 samples) and 42 tumor only samples, and 167 WGS non human-aligned reads of the tumor samples. Extensive clinicopathological and survival data of the cohort are available. The median follow-up time for this cohort is 4.6 years, and the distribution of gender and pathological stage are within expected ranges for this patient population with a mean age of 68. We refer to this resource as the Sidra-LUMC (SILU) colon adenocarcinoma (COAD) Atlas and Compass of Immune-Colon cancer-Microbiome interactions (AC-ICAM).

"Reprinted from Nature Medicine,Roelands, J., Kuppen, P.J.K., Ahmed, E.I. et al. An integrated tumor, immune and microbiome atlas of colon cancer. Nat Med (2023)., with permission from Nature."