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A Comprehensive Platform for Analyzing Longitudinal Multi-Omics Data

PALMO (Platform for Analyzing Longitudinal Multi-omics data) is a platform for analyzing longitudinal data from bulk as well as single cell. It allows to identify inter-, intra-donor variations in genes over longitudinal time points. The analysis can be done on bulk expression dataset without known cell type information or single cell with cell type or user defined groups. It allows to infer stable and variable features in a given donor and each cell type or a user defined group. The outlier analysis can be performed to identify technical/biological perturbed samples in a donor or a participant. Further, differential analysis can be performed to decipher time-wise changes in gene expression in a cell type. The data that is available in the dbGaP is the demo longitudinal samples used in the study, which includes hashed raw fastq files for single-cell RNA-sequencing (scRNA-seq) and non-hashed fastq files for single-cell ATAC-sequencing (scATAC) experiment.