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Deterministic Evolution and Stringent Selection During Pre-Neoplasia

The earliest events during human tumor initiation are poorly characterized but may hold clues as to how to detect and prevent malignancy. Here we model this occult process by engineering TP53 deficiency in primary human gastric organoids and performing experimental evolution in multiple clonally derived cultures over two years, thereby defining causal relationships between this common initiating genetic lesion and resulting phenotypes. TP53 loss induced progressive aneuploidy, including copy number alterations and complex structural variants that are common in established gastric cancers, and which accrued along a defined temporal order. Longitudinal single cell sequencing of TP53 deficient gastric organoids similarly indicates progression towards malignant transcriptional programs. Moreover, lineage tracing with expressed cellular barcodes revealed highly reproducible dynamics whereby initially rare subclones with shared transcriptional programs repeatedly attain clonal dominance. This powerful platform for experimental evolution reveals stringent selection and convergence at the genotypic and phenotypic levels in pre-malignant epithelial organoids, illuminating evolutionary constraints and barriers to malignant transformation.