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Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (BioLINCC)

The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA) is a study of the characteristics of subclinical cardiovascular disease (disease detected non-invasively before it has produced clinical signs and symptoms) and the risk factors that predict progression to clinically overt cardiovascular disease or progression of the subclinical disease. MESA researchers study a diverse, population-based sample of 6,814 asymptomatic men and women aged 45-84. Thirty-eight percent of the recruited participants are white, 28 percent African-American, 22 percent Hispanic, and 12 percent Asian, predominantly of Chinese descent.

Data available for request include phenotypic data previously released on BioLINCC as well as raw images (E.g. Echocardiogram) and raw tracing data files (e.g. Electrocardiogram). These new data are intended to be made available to interested researchers via BioData Catalyst, will include participants irrespective of participation in genetics (i.e. the full MESA cohort), and may be merged with currently posted (to dbGaP) phenotype and molecular datasets (WGS, GWA, RNA Seq, Methylation, Metabolomics, and Proteomics).