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Integrative Age-Related Changes in Genome and Epigenome in Human Lung in Relation to Smoking

The Integrative Age-Related Changes in Genome and Epigenome in Human Lung in Relation to Smoking study was designed to assess DNA methylation and gene expression profiles in cytologically normal bronchial progenitor "basal" cells. The cells were collected from 54 consented bronchoscopy specimen donors at standard airway locations during clinically indicated bronchoscopy, and then outgrown in primary cultures. DNA methylation profiles were assessed using Enzymatic-Methyl sequencing (EM-seq: 96% genomic coverage, 7.5x depth) in all 54 donors' samples. The gene expression profile was evaluated by bulk RNA-Seq in 39 donors' samples. The study participants were at the ages of 33 - 81 years old at enrollment. Of the 54 donors, 31 were newly diagnosed with lung cancer. As for tobacco smoke exposure, there were 19 current, 18, former, and 17 never smokers. There are 26 subjects whose specimens were used for single cell whole-genome sequencing study phs002758.