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Non-Coding Autoimmune Risk Variant Defines Role for ICOS in T Peripheral Helper Cell Development

Our fine-mapping of 76 non-MHC loci associated with risk for rheumatoid arthritis (RA, 11,475 cases, 15,870 controls) has recently identified rs117701653, a non-coding single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the CTLA4/CD28/ICOS locus, as the variant most likely to modulate RA risk within this region, with the minor allele C showing disease protection compared to the major allele A. We found that this SNP exhibits allele-specific protein binding and transcriptional modulation, further supporting its regulatory nature. Here, we aimed to determine whether the functional non-coding variant rs117701653 modulates the expression of genes within the CD28/CTLA4/ICOS locus. To address this question, we employed low-input RNA sequencing using the Illumina SmartSeq2 platform on resting total CD4+ T cells from the blood of 24 healthy subjects (8 AA, 8 AC, 8 CC) recruited based on genotype from the Mass General Brigham biobank. We performed a targeted cis-eQTL mapping analysis for protein coding genes with transcription start sites (TSS) within a 1MB window of SNP rs117701653. These genes included WDR12, NBEAL1, CYP20A1, ABI2, RAPH1, CD28, CTLA4, ICOS, and PARD3B. Surprisingly, allelic variation at rs117701653 correlated strongly with expression of ICOS. This suggests that individuals carrying the protective allele C at rs117701653 express lower levels of ICOS, implicating ICOS as a plausible target gene influenced by this protective allele. The raw sequence data from the 24 healthy individuals are available through dbGAP.

Gene expression matrices have been deposited to GEO accession GSE235868.