Prune Belly Syndrome (PBS) is a rare congenital myopathy that is incompletely under" /> Prune Belly Syndrome (PBS) is a rare congenital myopathy that is incompletely under" />
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PIEZO1 Loss of Function Compound Heterozygous Mutation in the Rare Congenital Human Disorder Prune Belly Syndrome

Prune Belly Syndrome (PBS) is a rare congenital myopathy that is incompletely understood genetically. In this IRB approved study, one white Non-Hispanic 35 year-old male PBS proband was prospectively enrolled and phenotyped. Blood lymphocyte DNA from the proband underwent paired-end Whole Exome Sequencing using the Illumina SureSelect kit and HiSeq2500 sequencer with data pipeline analysis. We aligned the subject's sequence against the GRCh38/hg19 assembly and variant calling was performed using data training sets from the 1000 Genomes Project, Omni 2.5 M SNP microarray, and HapMap phase 3.3. These variants were filtered for rare minor allele frequency (<0.001) and their potential functions were predicted using in silico-based computational analysis. Variants meeting at least five of the following criteria were selected as candidate functional variants: SIFT < 0.1, Polyphen2 > 0.9, CADD score > 20, GERP > 4, MutationTaster = “DC”, Mutation Assessor = “M” or “NE”, and Vest > 3.00. Rare and novel candidate functional variants were screened in the ClinVar database for prior association with smooth muscle myopathy (SMM). Only variants that met these criteria were included for further analysis. Confirmed variants had inheritance analysis performed on available samples. Our WES analysis identified novel compound heterozygous variants in the PIEZO1 gene. We conducted an extensive functional analysis of the PIEZO1 PBS variants that revealed loss-of-function characteristics. Thus, PIEZO1 mutations may be causal for PBS. Our WES data will be available through dbGaP.