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Spatiotemporal immune atlas of the first clinical-grade gene-edited pig-to-human kidney xenotransplant

Pig-to-human xenotransplantation is rapidly approaching the clinical arena; however, it is unclear which immunomodulatory regimens will effectively control human immune responses to pig xenografts. We transplanted a gene-edited pig kidney into a brain-dead human recipient on pharmacologic immunosuppression and studied the human immune response to the xenograft using spatial transcriptomics and single-cell RNA sequencing. Human immune cells were uncommon in the porcine kidney cortex early after xenotransplantation and consisted of primarily myeloid cells. Both the porcine resident macrophages and human infiltrating macrophages expressed genes consistent with an alternatively activated, anti-inflammatory phenotype. No significant infiltration of human B or T cells into the porcine kidney xenograft was detected. Altogether, these findings provide proof of concept that conventional pharmacologic immunosuppression is sufficient to restrict infiltration of human immune cells into the xenograft early after compatible pig-to-human kidney xenotransplantation.

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Dataset ID Description Technology Samples
EGAD50000000359 Illumina NovaSeq 6000 11
Publications Citations
Spatiotemporal immune atlas of the first clinical-grade, gene-edited pig-to-human kidney xenotransplant.
Res Sq None: 2023
Spatiotemporal immune atlas of a clinical-grade gene-edited pig-to-human kidney xenotransplant.
Nat Commun 15: 2024 3140